Greeting cards about motherhood fall into two basic categories: the sentimentally sappy and the satirically sublime. The Motherhood Showering Mother’s Day Funny Greeting Card from NobleWorks Cards definitely falls into the latter category.
Being a mother is a big job; it can be exhausting, and we all know how little time Mom has for herself, even for a shower. The funny cartoon showing a tired, ragged, worn-out mom holding a teddy bear and rattle captures the essence of motherhood while the caption delivers a hilarious punch-line description.
There are thousands of funny cards about motherhood out there, but this one packs a powerful punch, thanks to the wit and skill of its creator artist Am DeRosa. This card is perfect for any husband or partner to give a wife, or for an older child to give to a frazzled mom. Not only does it deliver the wish for a Happy Mother's Day. It even hints at a gift of time to take that longed-for shower.