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New Home Greeting Cards

For the new home buyer, the whole business and hassle of picking out just the right place and paying the right price can be a real pain. Until they move into their new fab pad and start enjoying the fruits of all of their land-seeking labors. Before the first month's mortgage payment kicks in, that is.

You can start the house-warming party early by gifting that gleeful house hunter, acquirer and holder this clever, colorful, charming Happy New Home greeting card. Within a bright, vivid, vibrant, glowing yellow frame, a white dog and a brown pooch are given a tour of a doghouse for sale by a sunglasses-wearing mutt barking the praises of "a spacious one bedroom one hydrant" wooden box with a big green lawn. This card is created, constructed and crafted perfectly to set anyone up in their just acquired digs with some fine, funny, furry laughs.

They may've got dinged with a boat load of taxes and realtor and inspection fees and renovation costs, and had to take out a bank loan with a life expectancy longer than theirs, but still, reward and congratulation that doggone determined home buyer with this cute, snug, warm and fuzzy, hilarious abode acquisition greeting card of good cheer and best dwelling wishes.