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New Year’s Greeting Cards

Pop a cork, count it down, and send out a card - to really get the New Year party started!

NobleWorks Cards has you covered in grand style on that last festive point. Their New Year Cards collection includes all kinds of colorful, joyful, humorous and heartfelt New Year best wishes. 'A BIG HAPPY NEW YEAR;' 'Happy Fucking New Year;' 'A Swingin' New Year;' to name but a few. Cute dogs and cats are pictured making unrealistic resolutions, a gaudily-clad clown resolves to a blonde woman in a blue dress that he'll not take himself so seriously in the new year, a man consumes five cans of beans and then fits himself with an ass-horn to really have a blast, and a party-hatted elephant sits on a decorative silver ball surrounded by strewn confetti and streamers and champagne. To describe but a few of the brilliant designs on these bright, delightful cards.

Set someone's New Year off with a bang by gifting them one of these missives of mirth and good cheer, and 'you' won't have to resolve to be better liked in the new year.