Arts and crafts and lots of laughs is what this ten Blank card collection is all about. Clever creativeness is on full, funny display here, along with the wacky and wonderful women behind the DIY obsessions. If you have friends, coworkers or family members who can't constrain themselves when it comes to fabricating fantastic, then these are the hilarious, just-like-homemade greetings to gift to them for any reason or occasion. Featuring colorful and dazzling dames making with the knick-knacks, patterns and pithy, prefabricated jokes, these marvelous missives represent homespun humor at its finest. This hilarious card set is by humorous artist Joey Heiberg, aka the Dolly Mama, whose latest book, "Between Men-O-Pause and Dead: Cry, Date, Laugh. An Artist's Hilarious Journey of Letting Go of the Past to Discover Herself in the Present" can be found on Amazon.