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Cards By Kenneth Benner

Artist Kenneth Benner serves up some cardboard slices of tasty, terrific, cartoon hilarity in this tremendous collection of envelope-ready greeting cards. Birthdays and Thank You are covered, with bright, vivid colors and witty, wise, wonderful wordage.

A grinning brown dog checks its reflection out in the mirror, as it delivers a rather "cheeky" B-Day punch line of windy witticism. While an orange cat checks out the enormous amount of candles on a lit cake, and gets ready to make with the fire retardant, as necessary. And Papa Bear tries to make nice with Mama Bear before they hit the hibernation hay for their long winter's nap.

Done up in vibrant blues, pinks, purples, greens, yellows, reds, flame, polka dots and fur, and decorated with flowers, candles, flame extinguishers and fancy pajamas, these cute and cuddly and funny cards deliver good cheer, big laughs and best wishes in creative, pleasing style.