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Cards by Jon Carter

Artist Bio

Jon Carter has been cartooning for more than 25 years, with numerous print and online projects. A few print clients include: Reader's Digest, Funny Times, Boys' Life, Medical Economics, Chicken Soup For The Soul book series, and many others. His cartoons are also licensed regularly for textbooks and business presentations all over the world. Carter also draws for numerous print and online properties under United Business Media. He lives with his family in Indiana; and, when not hidden away under piles of drawing paper, he attempts running, shopping for more junk he doesn't really need, and enjoying a nice warm meal of chicken gribbles and corn slogs.

Bright, witty, wonderful, vivid, hilarious - just some of the aggrandizing and accurate adjectives to begin to describe the brilliantly funny Birthday, Christmas, Father's Day, Graduation, Anniversary, Get Well, Easter and Congratulations cards in this awesomely illustrated and jokingly worded collection from cartoonist Jon Carter.

In this color-filled, mirthful grouping of greetings: a brown dog does his business on his owners' green lawn (operating a lemonade stand, in this case) as the lady of the house in pink and gray puts in a complaint; two dudes in orange prison jumpsuits (one dolled up in a blonde wig) boast about the fact that they've shared the same cell and sex for so long that they can complete each other's (prison) sentences; and the sailor's red Xmas stockings are all hung by the mantelpiece with care, including Captain Peg Leg's rather long and narrow one as befitting his wooden limb.

Bursting with vibrant blues, reds, greens, yellows, browns, purples, pinks, blacks, whites, oranges, eggs, dogs, Santas, squids, sharks, cats, and beaming with great humor, these happy holidays and occasion cards will be a big hit with all who receive and revel in them.